Option 1Option 2:Option 3:Option 4:

Upfront (paid by Jan 14th) Annual Fee 
Standard Annual FeePer Term (x4)
Yr12 (x3)*
Per Month (Jan – Oct)   
Yr12 (Jan – Sept)*
2022 Annual Technology levy/ student
 Option 1: Upfront (paid by Jan 14th) Annual Fee Option 2: Standard Annual FeeOption 3: Per Term (x4)               Yr12 (x3)*Option 4: Per Month (Jan – Oct)                 Yr12 (Jan – Sept)*2022 Annual Technology levy/ student
Nursery R66 025R69 500R17 375R6 950R1 718
Reception R71 640R75 410R18 853R7 541R1 718
Yr1 R73 269R77 125R19 281R7 713R1 718
Yr2 R74 813R78 750R19 688R7 875R1 718
Yr3 R83 960R88 379R22 095R8 838R1 861
Yr4 R89 776R94 501R23 625R9 450R3 722
Yr5 R97 582R102 718R25 680R10 272R3 722
Yr6 R103 279R108 714R27 179R10 871R3 722
Yr7 R109 824R115 604R28 901R11 560R3 722
Yr8 R115 057R121 112R30 278R12 111R3 722
Yr9 R122 908R129 377R32 344R12 938R3 722
Yr10 R128 249R134 999R33 750R13 500BYOD
Yr11 R128 249R134 999R33 750R13 500BYOD
Yr12 R128 249R134 999R45 000*R15 000*BYOD
Yr13 (A-Level) R23 655R24 900 per subject per annumR24 900 per subject per annumR24 900 per subject per annumBYOD

Upfront Annual Fee: Standard Annual Fee with a 5% discount applied.

Included in the fees: Tuition Fees are inclusive of all text books and exercise books which support the curriculum. Parents are responsible for the purchase of stationery. A once-off Text Book levy of R1 250 will be charged to all students entering Year 7, and all new students through to A Level (Year 13). Text books must be returned to the school at the end of each academic year. Any lost or damaged books will be invoiced to the student’s school fee account.

Technology levy: Will be separately itemized and billed at the start of the academic year.

Sibling discounts: 10% discount on the second and subsequent children.

Aftercare: Aftercare is available at the school at the rate of R50 per hour, or part thereof. For late collection there is a charge of R110 per hour or part thereof.

School bus charges: A morning bus service runs from Tokai at a cost of R1 995 per term.

Additional information: Parents are responsible for the cost of all external examination fees.

Additional obligatory incidental fees: Other costs that you may incur include: camps, school diary and pupil insurance (R48 per annum). 

Notice: One full term’s notice to leave the School must be given in writing.


Fees should be paid by direct electronic funds transfer into the School’s bank account at:  

Bank: First National Bank

Branch: Claremont

Bank Code: 200109

EFT Branch Code:    250655

Account Name: International School of Cape Town

Account Number: 62358057183

Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

Your account number or student’s first name and surname should be used as a reference

NB: Please ensure that a copy of the deposit / electronic transfer slip is handed / e-mailed to the School for purposes of reconciliation.  The accounts office e-mail address is


There are 4 options with regard to the payment of tuition fees:

Option 1:  Upfront annual fee payments: Discounted Annual Fees paid by 14th January 2022.

Option 2:  Standard Annual Fees paid after 14th January 2022.

Option 3:  Quarterly fee payments: Parents who choose to pay their fees quarterly are required to pay these on the first day of each term.

Option 4:  Monthly fee payments – Nursery to Year 11: Parents may prearrange with the School to pay their tuition fees over a 10month period, each payment falling due on the first day of each month, January to October (January to September for Year 12). Please note that the monthly option is only available to parents enrolled at the school at the beginning of the academic year

For security reasons we will not accept the payment of school fees in cash. The school does not have credit card facilities. Any forex or cash deposit bank charges will be for the payor account.

Debit orders for Option 4

Please complete a debit order form should you wish to pay monthly. The school will also accept termly debit orders, as long as the terms thereof are confirmed with the accounts office before implementation.


All Parents are requested to please select their Payment Option and advise ISCT Accounts via e-mail by Friday 15th October 2021 @